Wednesday, 30 December 2015

Are you Treating them Right !

These days complecations are the main pillars most of our emotions are based on . Our life these days revolves around facebook and instagram. And the pages preaching stuffs like “girls be like” and “men will be men”.Social Media these days have been spreading such influence in our life, that some what we have started believing those stuff.In this internet reigned world we have partially lost our very own selves.We are not really sure whether we are matured enough to be sure about ourselves.Honestly if we take our time and do some little things,we can be better in many cases .Lets say for relationships ,we need our besties to advice thus.Why ? isn’t he/she totally human like we are! Why can’t we simply use our own brain and use our own experience to take better decision.
Lets first say how can he take better decision to judge how  to treat her better:

Imagine you have a sister ,she loves someone who is also in love with her.Now ,lets say she shares her personal life with you. Now let us come to the point.So far you have Nurtured many ideas like “look bro ,who is gonna take her tantrums like I do?’, “huh! She thinks she deserves better .Look she is not even leaving me.Huh even she know that nobody exist to take her mood swings”, and many more like “Mood Swings , don’t do this don’t do that huh!!! And she thinks she can mock my imperfections .lol!”
Wake up My Friend! Just imagine Some guy Nurturing the same ideas for you sister,just the way you nurture for her. Don’t you wanna punch the guy on his face?
Lemme ask you ‘Why?’
Okay I guess Your sister shows tantrum too,I guess she too suffers moods swings.Well, you have justifications here.”This is suppose to happen with my sis, after all she is a pampered child .After all little bit of tantrums and mood swings are no big deal.Guys should be matured enough to handle that”
Well ,yeah Maturity… so you are matured right? Still you failed to understand that the girl you are dating is a pampered daddy’s princess too. But your sister’s faults are normal while her faults are not really endurable.
Trust me, if you think about it your concern if you had a sister.Then your idea of right behavior she deserves can correct the incorrigle egoist mistakes you have been continuing .This can not only make her happy ,but you can sta true to yourself too.

Now Lets come to Girls, Yes you people have so far blamed the male dominated society so much that if atleast 10 of your boyfriends would have collected those complain bouquet and deposited it sumwhere.I guess we could have got our second Mount Everest.

Yes , your Bro bullies you enugh but if he is your bestie too, would not you love to see him date a girl who keeps her happy. Well ,what criterias does she qualify through?
Your Brother is burdened with responsibiles that sometimes could be too much for his age.He does loose his temper often. He often fails to notice his vibrating phone when he plays badminton .Does he never fail to call back having promised he will?
Imagine someone blaming him of cheating or paying more attention else where,if he keeps somebodies call waiting. Imagine your brother is in love with someone,who claims to love him too,while she introduces your brother as ‘Friend’ in public.
Imagine someone trying to measure your brothers love,on the basis of what gifts he bought her.Brother is  compared with someother girl’s boyfriend .
Failed to have a promise kept is raising a finger to your bro’s upbringing.Yes my friend she is raising a finger towards your family girl!!
Yes ! that’s what  you are mumering now.
Don’t you blame your man of us useless things. Thing what he goes through.What happened now?
You pretty considerate if your brother lost temper, or failed to keep promise.Why cant you be so understanding regarding your man “oh,he doesn’t desrve this”
Or  your experienced bestie said “ don’t let them man do salsa on top of your scalp baby”
If your brother deserves to be to be treated human .Why not him?

Before accusing or over estimating your behavior towads him.Imagine what you are doing to him being done to your bro by some girl. Now you get how to correct the incorrigible mistakes ,your besties taught you to take pride on.

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